Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quotes!!! :)

I am just having fun!  I decided to look up quotes today, and saw so many that I liked that I decided to post a bunch of  quotes. =D
There are a lot of laughing quotes....that's because I just love to laugh!!! :)  The people who know me, know this to be true!

“We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing” - Michael Pritchard

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pure, Raw Honey...Or Not.....?

People talk about honey as so healthy.  "Use it instead of jelly on sandwiches, mix it with other ingredients to add to their health benefits (i.e. cinnamon, or Apple Cider Vinegar)," they tell you.  Well, that is true...to an extent.  Depending on the honey you buy, it can be good, or it can be bad for you.  The honey you buy at your grocery store is NOT good!!!  Here is an example of the process honey usually goes through.  A friend of mine has studied bees/honey, and sent me some information.
"First, What do honey producers feed their bees to make them produce honey faster? They feed them sugar syrup. The other thing they use is a feed supplement which they pour into a box that sit on top of the hive. What is wrong with sugar syrup? Well a honey bee will always go collect its supplies for making honey in the closest, most abundant place. In this case it would be the sugar syrup or the feed supplement that is on top of the hive. So when the a bee makes the honey in the comb it is using sugar syrup as its main supply. This makes the honey in the hive mostly sugar. Yet the honey in the hive does have enzyems in it that are good for you, but wait they still need to process it :) The processing of honey has a step that invloves heating the honey to 130+ degrees F. Heating honey to that temperature keeps it from crystalizing (which is supposedly why they heat it). Alright, so they keep it from crystalizing, what is wrong with that? The other thing that heating honey (to 130+ degrees F) does is that it kills all the enzymes that are good for you (the ones I mentioned before). So what you end up with is plain sugar water. Is “Raw Honey” truly raw? Well since honey producers have no laws governing what the honey should or should not have to be able to be labeled ”raw”. Honey producers can label their honey raw even if it is not raw. So the chances are the honey is not “raw”. Now I am talking about the major honey producers, not the little honeybee farms. To know if they (little honeybee farms) do it or not you would have to talk to them about their processes."
Isn't that sad?  I find it very frustrating.  They also price honey at such high prices...and for what?  Some sugary syrup???  What is even worse, is I have heard - now I don't know for sure - that some honey producers actually add corn syrup/glucose/sugar to the honey.
I find that I can taste a difference in the honey from the grocery store, from the REAL, pure, raw honey.  I know that depending on what the bee eats the honey tastes different, but I think that it has a different taste.
One thing I love is crystallized honey! :)  I don't eat bread because of some wheat problems I've had, but when I did I loved to put butter and/or crystallized honey on my toast!!!  It is so good! :)  If you have never had honey crystallized, you should try it!!!!  The texture is really unique! :)

One other thing is that it is best to buy local honey as it has been produced by bees who have taken the substances they use to make their honey from your area, which contain immune-stimulating properties needed for your body to adapt to it's environment.

Well, I hope at least some of that was helpful.  I really need to study it even more, but it is hard to find the time....and you wouldn't end up reading this post if it was too long!!!  =D

Have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Bible time this morning

While I was having my Bible time this morning, this verse really stuck out to me.  I have read it before I know, and I liked it, (because I had underlined it), but it just really spoke to me today.  I guess in a different way than before.

I will write it out, then explain why it stood out.

"Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and waring jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in the sight of God."

I know that when you read a verse one time, it can speak to you in a totally different way than ever before.  This happened to me today.
Today I really caught that it said "merely."  It doesn't say that you shouldn't braid your hair, wear jewelry, or put on dresses, it say, it must not *merely* be external.  You should have a beauty deeper then what is external.  "Let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit.  I really want to work on having a gentle and quiet spirit.  I want people to see Christ in me when they look at me, not my outward appearance.  I think that's what it means here.  You don't have to look plain in how you dress, fix your hair, etc..., but it is about who you are on the inside, not out.  I find, taking the verse parts at a time help me understand them better.  I read verses over and over just to get the whole effect sometimes.  I actually did it today with Colossians 2:7.   
"Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." Colossians 2:7
I knew that it was a wonderful verse, but I had to read it over and over again so that I could understand the full meaning of it, and just let it sink in.  Sometimes I find it so hard to read much of the Bible at a time, just because by going slowly I can gain so much more!!!  It is so deep and sometimes hard to understand, and I don't just want to skim over it.  I want to know what God is telling me by writing it.

Well, I just got so much out of those two verses today!  I wonder what verses God will show me tomorrow.... :)

Thank you God, for you Word.  Our sword of  Truth!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well, we get fresh raw milk from a dairy.  The only thing about getting raw milk is that it goes bad a lot faster than pastuerized milk.  So, when we have too much milk that's going sour (the boys tend to be a bit picky, saying milk tastes bad when it is about a week, sometimes less, old).  We made two gallons of kefir out of the souring milk last week.  The only problem was, we usually put it in smoothies, and that's how we use it, but we don't happen to have any frozen bananas, so Mom wasn't sure how we could use it.  I assured her I would think of something!!!  :)
So, this morning for breakfast I boiled some water and then poured it into a pot with oats.  I let it sit for about ten minutes (maybe not quite that long) and then added a bunch of kefir (about 1/2 gallon), sweetener (I like the flavor of honey with kefir, it seems to even out the sourness), cinnamon, dried, unsweetened coconut, and fruit.  I LOVE apples boiled in oatmeal, so maybe I'll do that next time.  Everyone seemed to like it (except Andrew, but that is not a surprise... he even says that he doesn't like apples...... we're not sure why he's picky, since we haven't allowed it, and still don't.  At times there isn't any option other than apples, and so he eats them.).  Andrew did eat a bowl though, so it even he didn't think it was that bad.
Then this afternoon, Mommy decided to make pancakes.  Yes, we used our wonderful Whole Wheat Blender Pancakes recipe.  But instead of milk, we used.....KEFIR!!!! :)  Mom said that she liked it even better than milk!!  She said the flavor it gave was wonderful!!!!  I am so glad!!!  We now have a new way to use older milk, and SUPER healthy kefir!!!!!!!

Kefir is SO easy.  If  you have a starter, you just plop it in some milk, cover with a cloth (we use a rubber band to secure it) and let it set out on the counter for a couple days.  Yes, a few days, not hours! :)  The consistency is in my experience, thicker than milk, but thinner than yogurt.  It kind of looks like yogurt, though.  I think it kind of has a yeasty taste.  It is a bit sour, but mixed with honey, stevia, or pure maple syrup makes it yummy, I think!!!

You can read more online about the health benefits, and I think I'll post sometimes about them.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Unfailing Homemade 100% Wheat Bread

Recipe for Whole Wheat Bread.  It is simple and very yummy!  This is the best recipe I have had that is 100% wheat.  I find that the recipes for wheat bread have at least 1 cup white flour.  This one does not.
It yields 3 loaves, but while my first batch is rising, I start on my second.  It is a very quick recipe, I think.  The easiest and it makes the least mess of any other recipe I have tried!  I find that recipes where you weigh the wheat it turns out better than measuring it.

Wheat Bread Recipe

300 ml warm water
3 Tbsp. yeast
1 Tbsp. honey (you can add more if you have made it and want it sweeter)

1500 g whole wheat flour (we use fresh ground Hard White Wheat)
700 ml warm water
4-5 tsp. salt
1/4 cup oil (I use coconut oil)

Dissolve yeast and honey in 300 ml warm water and stir well.  Let yeast activate for 5-10 minutes.  Mix with rest of the ingredients and knead by hand or with electric mixer for 10 minutes.  Put in 3 buttered/greased (We use coconut oil for this, too) bread pans, spray with water and let bread rise (covered) for 10-15 minutes.

Bake bread at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
Enjoy!!! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rock of Ages

This is one of my all time favorite hymns.  I love it!
Oh, God, let me hide myself in Thee!

 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 
 let me hide myself in thee; 
 let the water and the blood, 
 from thy wounded side which flowed, 
 be of sin the double cure; 
 save from wrath and make me pure. 
        Not the labors of my hands 
 can fulfill thy law's commands; 
 could my zeal no respite know, 
 could my tears forever flow, 
 all for sin could not atone; 
 thou must save, and thou alone. 

 Nothing in my hand I bring, 
 simply to the cross I cling; 
 naked, come to thee for dress; 
 helpless, look to thee for grace; 
 foul, I to the fountain fly; 
 wash me, Savior, or I die. 

 While I draw this fleeting breath, 
 when mine eyes shall close in death, 
 when I soar to worlds unknown, 
 see thee on thy judgment throne, 
 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 
 let me hide myself in thee. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Healthy, quick and easy pancakes!

This is our family's very favorite pancake recipe!  We have tried quite a few recipes, but this one is so easy and yummy!!!

Blender Pancakes

1 1/2 cups wheat berries
2 cups milk

4 T honey
1/2 cup oil (I like to use coconut oil, it adds such a wonderful flavor!!!)
1 tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
4 eggs

Blend wheat berries and milk in blender on high for four minutes.  Then add the rest of the ingredients and blend a few seconds, just enough to mix.  It changes the consistency if you blend them too long.  We count up to 12 usually.

Why vaccinations are dangerous.

I have always heard that vaccinations are bad for you, but never knew why.  I read this article, and it really opened my eyes.  I know that a lot of people believe in vaccinations, and  maybe some of you do....but please read this, even if you are for them.


Sorry it has taken me this long to post again!!!!  I have not done a very good job at staying up with my blog....  I will try to do better in the future, but life is busy, and that is a fact!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

When All Around My Soul Gives Way

When All Around My Soul Gives Way

This is beautiful, and I wanted to share it with you all.

I will try to post something on health soon, but I'm sorry I've been terribly busy recently! Maybe life will start to settle down someday!!!! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Getting the garden ready.

Is working on hauling leaves that are wet and partly composted down to her garden. Wow, wet leaves sure are heavy!!!!
I hope they work well! My garden seems to be made out of mostly rocks. Oh, well. We'll just have to see how it turns out.
Thanks to Andrew and Nathan for their help, it would be a much bigger job without them! :)

I know I am quite late in planting....but live is *so* busy!!!!!
Next year I'm going to try to do better!

Have a great day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Natural Poison Ivy Remedy

I just found out about a all-natural poison ivy remedy.  It is VERY easy!!!!!  All you need is Apple Cider Vinegar and water! =)
You just mix equal parts of each and apply it as needed.  It dries it up and I have been told that it stops the itching...for a little while, then you need to reapply it.  I am very excited about this!!!  We have always tried different things, and they never seem to work!  I really hope this works well!!!!

I'm almost tempted to want poison ivy just so I can try it! ;-p

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

So, we've heard that Coconut Oil is good for you.  The thin I LOVE about Coconut Oil, is that it not only is beneficial, it smells and tastes wonderful!!!  If you use it in place of butter, margarine, or about any other oil in baking recipes it tastes SO delicious!!!!  Our family actually loves to cook our eggs in it.  I also add a couple tablespoons to my brown rice when I make it.  It adds a rich wonderful flavor.

Coconut oil is extremely healthy.  It is a fat, so a lot of people would stay away from it due to the caloric content But the truth is, that,  "it contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems. Further, it increases the body metabolism by removing stress on pancreases, thereby burning out more energy and helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight. Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who eat coconut oil daily as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight."

It also is very good for your, hair, bones (teeth), skin, killing virus's, etc...  It helps healthy growth of your hair, and gives it a shiny look.  Regular massages with Coconut Oil takes away, dandruff, lice, and lice eggs.  It also smells so wonderful, so I would have no problem using it on my hair/skin.  It helps your skin as a moisturizer, and helps delay your skin getting wrinkles, or sagging with age.  It can also help with skin problems (i.e. eczema).

Mixing honey and Coconut Oil helps with a hoarse throat.  Today I had a TERRIBLE hoarse voice.  I also have a cough.  I ate some honey mixed with coconut oil and flaked, unsweetened, organic coconut.  My voice started getting better right away.  It soothed it and I was able to talk without it sounding raspy.  

Coconut oil is also great for the immune system.  "It strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV."

 "Coconut oil helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It also helps in effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes."

Calcium helps your bones and teeth because it facilitates absorption of calcium by the body.  That is very important.  So, it can help you have stronger teeth and lessen your chance of getting osteoporosis, or other bone problems.  

I have used Coconut Oil as a moisturizer on my face, and it never made me break out.  I have done the same thing with Olive Oil.  Something about those oils don't make you break out into acne.  At least they didn't cause me any problem.

I just think that over all it is a wonderful oil.  I love things you can use to cook with and it is good for you.  
One other thing that is wonderful is that when you heat it up it doesn't go rancid and release free radicals like olive oil and some other oils do.  
Try cooking with it! I think it is a wonderful alternative in many things!!!!

Hope you like Coconut!  If you don't now, maybe after this you'll just have to develop a taste for it!!! =)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nutrition for the Spirit

Today I was reading "Passion and Purity" written by Elisabeth Elliot.  It is an amazing book.  I highly recommend it!
This really caught me, so I thought I'd share it with you all.

"Trust me, I have not earned your dear rebuke,-
    I love, as you would have me, God the most:
    Would lose not Him, but you, must one be lost,
Nor with Lot's wife cast back a faithless look,
Unready to forgo what I forsook:
    This say, having counted up the cost,
    This, though I be the feeblest of God's host,
The sorriest sheep Christ shepherds with His crook.
Yet while I love my God the most, I deem
    That I can never love you over-much:
    I love him more, so let me love you too:
    Yea, as I apprehend it, love is such
I cannot love you if I loved not Him,
    I cannot love Him, if I love not you."

It is written by a woman by the name of Christina Rossetti.

Isn't it so beautiful?!?!?!  Now I just want to live it fully!  It would be nice to say that I do have this kind of love for God, but I'm not sure.  I am seeking to know God better, because without knowing someone fully, how can you love them fully?! It is so amazing that God loves us with unconditional love!  An undying love!  How awesome is our Lord, and Creator!  The least we can do is to love Him with everything inside us, but even that is nothing compared to His love for us.

Psalm 57 "...In the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast...God that performeth all things for me...My heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

I am going to share about the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).  It is all-natural resulting from the fermentation of apples.  The most beneficial kind is organic, cold pressed, with the "mother of vinegar."  I use Braggs.  It is not clear.  It has some cloudy looking stuff floating in it.  That "stuff"  is the "mother."

One thing that I know it helps is gastrointestinal reflux (acid reflux).  My aunt was having a horrible case of it while she was pregnant.  She had it so bad that she had a hard time eating, and she had to go to sleep sitting up.  I had read something about if you drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before, or after you eat it stops the acid reflux.  I told her about it, so she tried it.  She said that she took some the first night in water and she only had to use three pillows.  The next day after she ate and started to burn she took some and it immediately stopped.  She said that it was amazing!  She was then able to eat and not burn!

Some people say they can't stand even the smell and wonder how I can drink it, but I really don't think it has a bad taste.  I use it on my salads and I like drinking it hot.  I put 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot or cold water and add honey or stevia to taste, or a mix of both.  If you mix honey with apple cider vinegar it adds to the health benefits because honey has it's own, separate health benefits, too.  Adding some cinnamon makes it taste like a tangy apple cider.  I love the smell of it!.  If it is too strong at first, add a little at a time until you can take a whole tablespoon....or more.  I usually do more like 2 Tbs.

A warning:  Don't drink very much straight.  It burns.  My mom tried it once and it burned her throat.  I have also tried drinking some straight and it gave me a stomach ache.  I have read that it isn't very good to drink excessive amounts at a time either.  I just always think that being excessive in almost anything isn't good.
I use the apple cider vinegar diluted, three parts water to one part vinegar.  It can sting when you have open sores, but it cleans the pores out.  Don't put it straight on your skin.  It isn't good for it.
ACV is said to help people lose weight and they recommend taking a few teaspoons to two tablespoons before each meal.  They aren't exactly sure how it helps, but it is thought to make the metabolism faster.
It is good for your hair and getting rid of dandruff.  It is said to make your hair really shiny.
I read that you should get up in the morning and immedietly drink a glass of water with 2 Tbs. each of apple cider vinegar and honey.  It also helps with constipation if anyone has a problem with that.

It may taste acidic, but it is really alkaline.  Cancer grows in an acidic environment.  So, by drinking apple cider vinegar health drink you are lowering your risk of cancer!  With cancer on the rise this is important to consider.  It is also used for people with diabetes.  Studies suggest that it may help to lower glucose levels.
There is so much more I could write, but now that you know this much you can research it more on your own.

So, you don't have to eat an apple to keep the doctor away, you can drink your lovely glass of what I call, "Apple Cider Vinegar Tea."  Mom is always asking me to make it for her.  She now likes it, too!  You have to at least try it!  It gets better each time I drink it!  Have fun!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Exploring the Unknown

Last week I watched the movie, "Food, Inc."  It inspired this post.  I really recommend it to everyone!!!!  Wonderful, educational video!
Did you know that when meat producers process beef they don’t get it cleaned thoroughly, from standing out, ankle-deep in mud and manure so there is are high risk factors of you getting sick from it?  it is true.  And because of that, they sterilize it with Ammonia to kill the bacteria and germs.  What’s the matter with that?  Well, for one, it is a chemical that is used in cleaners, such as window cleaner.  Did you know that if you mix ammonia and bleach there is a toxic chemical reaction that occurs, and breathing it is fatal?  And just think, you are putting it inside your body every time you eat a hamburger, taco or even when you think you’re eating a good healthy meal of vegetable beef soup, unless you have bought specialty organic meat.  That is only part of why it’s so bad for you. You see all those healthy cows grazing on those fields of lush grass, but that’s not what you’re getting.  The cows we get buy every day from the store are pumped full of antibiotics, hormones to make them bigger, and are on an unhealthy diet of genetically modified corn, living on lots without any grass.  As I said before, they are standing ankle-deep in mud and their manure.  Yuck!  And again, they don't get the animals cleaned well at all.  So that means that all that gross stuff is in your food.....but be assured, it is sterilized with Ammonia, so you are safe! Not!  It makes me think of how doctors give you drugs for your ailment, but then the side effects may be a headache, or nausea, so you take something for that.  It can go on and on!  Before you know it you are taking a ton of medications just because you had maybe even a small problem!  They don't clean the cows well, so they sterilize it, but you are giving yourself chemicals to kill the germs and bacteria that were there in the first place, so it causes havoc on your body.  So you get sick or feel bad.  That is when you go and take a medication, etc....  You see what I mean?  It was all because they don't take the time to produce quality meat.  
Even if the cow were cleaned better it wouldn't take away the fact that they are eating corn that is bad for them.  Cows aren't made to eat corn.  Why are we feeding it to them then?  Why can't they just graze in the fields on grass?  Corn fattens them up fast, and it is cheap!  If you go to the store and buy lean ground beef,  and compare it to Organic grass fed beef, There is more fat in the lean beef from the store than the organic, grass fed beef.  Now isn't it ironic that Americans are having weight problems!  You look at almost any processed, packaged food product and see what the ingredients are....at least the ones you can pronounce.  There is almost always at least one form of corn.  They feed cows corn to fatten them up, we eat it and expect to stay slim???  How does that make any sense?  You try to get a pretty healthy snack.  Chips and salsa, even homemade salsa. But there's the genetically modified corn right there.  
The definition of genetic modification (or genetic engineering) is, 'any alteration of genetic material of an organism by means that could not occur naturally.'
Isn't our food industry sick!!!!!  We are hurting ourselves and don't even know it!  We think we are actually making good choices and eating pretty healthy, but really we're making our bodies unhealthy!
I'm just going to mention one thing before I end.
There is a certain little ingredient called Sodium Benzoate.  It is a preservative that is in SO many things!  By it's self it is harmless as far as people know, but when combined with Vitamin C (Citric Acid), it is a proven carcinogen!  The combination of the two is called Benzene. Carcinogenic means, causing cancer or contributing to the causation of cancer.  You see, there are a lot of things that are't known that should be common knowledge, so people can at least choose to put these thing in their body!  Sunkist has Sodium Benzoate in it, and the first ingredient is, what do you know, Citric Acid.  So, by consuming it, you are increasing your risks of cancer.  So now it isn't only Corn Syrup and Aspartame you should avoid when drinking soft drinks, there is Benzene!  It's kind of scary isn't it!?!  What other hidden ingredients are in our foods that we overlook, not knowing what they are?

I have just given you a taste of reality.  Maybe you knew it already, maybe you didn't.  This kind of knowledge has caused me to set a goal for my life.  It is to raise as much food as possible off the land naturally.  Which basically means pretty much everything!  

It is your turn to make your choice.