Monday, April 5, 2010

Exploring the Unknown

Last week I watched the movie, "Food, Inc."  It inspired this post.  I really recommend it to everyone!!!!  Wonderful, educational video!
Did you know that when meat producers process beef they don’t get it cleaned thoroughly, from standing out, ankle-deep in mud and manure so there is are high risk factors of you getting sick from it?  it is true.  And because of that, they sterilize it with Ammonia to kill the bacteria and germs.  What’s the matter with that?  Well, for one, it is a chemical that is used in cleaners, such as window cleaner.  Did you know that if you mix ammonia and bleach there is a toxic chemical reaction that occurs, and breathing it is fatal?  And just think, you are putting it inside your body every time you eat a hamburger, taco or even when you think you’re eating a good healthy meal of vegetable beef soup, unless you have bought specialty organic meat.  That is only part of why it’s so bad for you. You see all those healthy cows grazing on those fields of lush grass, but that’s not what you’re getting.  The cows we get buy every day from the store are pumped full of antibiotics, hormones to make them bigger, and are on an unhealthy diet of genetically modified corn, living on lots without any grass.  As I said before, they are standing ankle-deep in mud and their manure.  Yuck!  And again, they don't get the animals cleaned well at all.  So that means that all that gross stuff is in your food.....but be assured, it is sterilized with Ammonia, so you are safe! Not!  It makes me think of how doctors give you drugs for your ailment, but then the side effects may be a headache, or nausea, so you take something for that.  It can go on and on!  Before you know it you are taking a ton of medications just because you had maybe even a small problem!  They don't clean the cows well, so they sterilize it, but you are giving yourself chemicals to kill the germs and bacteria that were there in the first place, so it causes havoc on your body.  So you get sick or feel bad.  That is when you go and take a medication, etc....  You see what I mean?  It was all because they don't take the time to produce quality meat.  
Even if the cow were cleaned better it wouldn't take away the fact that they are eating corn that is bad for them.  Cows aren't made to eat corn.  Why are we feeding it to them then?  Why can't they just graze in the fields on grass?  Corn fattens them up fast, and it is cheap!  If you go to the store and buy lean ground beef,  and compare it to Organic grass fed beef, There is more fat in the lean beef from the store than the organic, grass fed beef.  Now isn't it ironic that Americans are having weight problems!  You look at almost any processed, packaged food product and see what the ingredients least the ones you can pronounce.  There is almost always at least one form of corn.  They feed cows corn to fatten them up, we eat it and expect to stay slim???  How does that make any sense?  You try to get a pretty healthy snack.  Chips and salsa, even homemade salsa. But there's the genetically modified corn right there.  
The definition of genetic modification (or genetic engineering) is, 'any alteration of genetic material of an organism by means that could not occur naturally.'
Isn't our food industry sick!!!!!  We are hurting ourselves and don't even know it!  We think we are actually making good choices and eating pretty healthy, but really we're making our bodies unhealthy!
I'm just going to mention one thing before I end.
There is a certain little ingredient called Sodium Benzoate.  It is a preservative that is in SO many things!  By it's self it is harmless as far as people know, but when combined with Vitamin C (Citric Acid), it is a proven carcinogen!  The combination of the two is called Benzene. Carcinogenic means, causing cancer or contributing to the causation of cancer.  You see, there are a lot of things that are't known that should be common knowledge, so people can at least choose to put these thing in their body!  Sunkist has Sodium Benzoate in it, and the first ingredient is, what do you know, Citric Acid.  So, by consuming it, you are increasing your risks of cancer.  So now it isn't only Corn Syrup and Aspartame you should avoid when drinking soft drinks, there is Benzene!  It's kind of scary isn't it!?!  What other hidden ingredients are in our foods that we overlook, not knowing what they are?

I have just given you a taste of reality.  Maybe you knew it already, maybe you didn't.  This kind of knowledge has caused me to set a goal for my life.  It is to raise as much food as possible off the land naturally.  Which basically means pretty much everything!  

It is your turn to make your choice.


  1. Wow! Who would have thought? Some ppl know a lot of stuff they eat isnt healthy for them but do they care? no! maybe they will start to care after they fall over dead....

  2. Yeah. As I said, it is there choice. If they choose to eat unhealthy then it is their problem.
