Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

I am going to share about the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).  It is all-natural resulting from the fermentation of apples.  The most beneficial kind is organic, cold pressed, with the "mother of vinegar."  I use Braggs.  It is not clear.  It has some cloudy looking stuff floating in it.  That "stuff"  is the "mother."

One thing that I know it helps is gastrointestinal reflux (acid reflux).  My aunt was having a horrible case of it while she was pregnant.  She had it so bad that she had a hard time eating, and she had to go to sleep sitting up.  I had read something about if you drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before, or after you eat it stops the acid reflux.  I told her about it, so she tried it.  She said that she took some the first night in water and she only had to use three pillows.  The next day after she ate and started to burn she took some and it immediately stopped.  She said that it was amazing!  She was then able to eat and not burn!

Some people say they can't stand even the smell and wonder how I can drink it, but I really don't think it has a bad taste.  I use it on my salads and I like drinking it hot.  I put 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot or cold water and add honey or stevia to taste, or a mix of both.  If you mix honey with apple cider vinegar it adds to the health benefits because honey has it's own, separate health benefits, too.  Adding some cinnamon makes it taste like a tangy apple cider.  I love the smell of it!.  If it is too strong at first, add a little at a time until you can take a whole tablespoon....or more.  I usually do more like 2 Tbs.

A warning:  Don't drink very much straight.  It burns.  My mom tried it once and it burned her throat.  I have also tried drinking some straight and it gave me a stomach ache.  I have read that it isn't very good to drink excessive amounts at a time either.  I just always think that being excessive in almost anything isn't good.
I use the apple cider vinegar diluted, three parts water to one part vinegar.  It can sting when you have open sores, but it cleans the pores out.  Don't put it straight on your skin.  It isn't good for it.
ACV is said to help people lose weight and they recommend taking a few teaspoons to two tablespoons before each meal.  They aren't exactly sure how it helps, but it is thought to make the metabolism faster.
It is good for your hair and getting rid of dandruff.  It is said to make your hair really shiny.
I read that you should get up in the morning and immedietly drink a glass of water with 2 Tbs. each of apple cider vinegar and honey.  It also helps with constipation if anyone has a problem with that.

It may taste acidic, but it is really alkaline.  Cancer grows in an acidic environment.  So, by drinking apple cider vinegar health drink you are lowering your risk of cancer!  With cancer on the rise this is important to consider.  It is also used for people with diabetes.  Studies suggest that it may help to lower glucose levels.
There is so much more I could write, but now that you know this much you can research it more on your own.

So, you don't have to eat an apple to keep the doctor away, you can drink your lovely glass of what I call, "Apple Cider Vinegar Tea."  Mom is always asking me to make it for her.  She now likes it, too!  You have to at least try it!  It gets better each time I drink it!  Have fun!


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