Monday, December 3, 2012

Having Standards That Glorify God

Recently I have been thinking about how to live my life to glorify God the most.  Something that has stuck out to me as a weakness in many Christians is standards.  We have standards about main things, such as murder, lying and sexual immorality... but what about the "little" things that really are a big deal?  Do we set standards for what we do, what music we listen to, books we read and movies we watch?  Our culture has a very low standard for media, and are we just going to go along with it?  Do you listen to songs with lyrics that you wouldn't actually talk about because it'd be inappropriate?  Are the books you read building your relationship with Christ, and completely glorifying Him?  And, are the movies you watch clean and pure?  Do they distract your gaze from the Lord, or are they honoring to Him?  Are you watching things you would be ashamed to see in real life?  If so, it is most likely not at all a godly choice.

Do you have a standard set for yourself and what you allow yourself to participate in?  Listening, reading and what you view is all actions.  You have a choice, no one is making you.

Everything we do affects us.  Music can be so fun, uplifting and glorifying to God... but, it can also be horrific, or just stupid and has no point.  Most modern music is not edifying at all, and by listening to it we are causing our gaze to be distracted.  I love all different types of music, not only Christian, but I always try to analyze myself and see how I'm being affected.  I have found that if I constantly listen to love songs, for example, I start noticing myself becoming discontent and my joy starts to fade.  My human flesh wants that "love" that I hear about in the songs and it breeds a discontentment in my heart.  I feel empty and unfulfilled, though that "love" can never fulfill me... only God can fill that place.  If I search to be fulfilled from other sources, I will never find it, and can never have complete joy.  When I listen to songs of praise to the Lord, my heart is filled!!  I feel overwhelmed by Christ's love, and my love for Him!  I feel like everything inside me is bubbling up and will overflow!  It is an incredible feeling.
But, I am not saying love songs are bad!  I just know that if they are constantly being played (therefore in my thoughts more), it can be a stumbling block for me if I let my mind wander.

A standard is a mindset.  We choose where we want our standard to be.  Where are we going to draw the line?  I just encourage you to think through EVERYTHING and always be asking yourself, "Is this glorifying to God?"  If you even question it, it probably isn't.

May the Lord draw you near to Him and help you to grow in your faith with each passing day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What We Believe And How It Can Affect Our Health

When you hear the word "health" you probably immediately think of someone who eats salads and goes running, or something of the sort.  That is what type of picture pops into my mind as well, but there is so much more behind health than what everyone talks about on a daily basis!

So, everyone knows that we should eat well and exercise to have a healthier, better life without so much pain and health problems when we're older...not to mention you want to look good.  But, should that really be your goal in life?  Should you be striving to feel and look good?  I believe that there are much better reasons for living a healthy lifestyle.  
First, where did our bodies come from in the first place?  God made them.  He formed each of us in our mothers wombs, designed by His hands for a purpose.  I believe that we should take care of the bodies He gave us, using them to His glory.  I'm not saying that you have to be legalistic about it, never eating a bite of sugar or something unhealthy.  People can get way too caught up in rules, causing that to become our main focus instead of Christ.
In 1 Cor. 3:16-17 Paul expresses the importance of our bodies.

 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

  Do you view your body as a temple of God?
There are so many things that we do daily and don't even think about.  If we lived with this verse in mind, how different would we act?  What does this verse even mean?  Is it talking about eating harmful foods?  Not getting enough rest?  Dressing in a way that draws attention to God's temple in an immoral way?  What about acting in ways that would defile the temple of God?
This is really not a small matter.  The temple of God is a place of worship, and if we defile our temples, we are going against God.  I am not saying that you are defiling the temple if you eat something unhealthy, as it says in Matt. 15:11  "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

 So, eating something bad for you is not going to defile you, but still I watch what I put into my body since I want to keep my temple healthy and strong, prepared to serve the Lord in any way I can.  But, what you say and do does defile you.  If a girl dresses in something that is immodest and draws attention to her body and causes men to be tempted and stumble, that defiles her temple.  It is using what God made as something good, holy, and beautiful, in an immoral way.

  Another thing, we need to make sure that we have the right mindset when thinking about food.  If we view it as giving ourselves the nutrition we need to live, then we will be less inclined to struggle with eating junk, and overeating.  My point is that many people make food an idol and a source of lust.  That is when it becomes sinful.  It isn't the eating that is wrong, but the mind and how we think.  

I'm certainly not saying that if you live a healthy lifestyle you won't ever get sick or have health problems... because, that's not reality.  Also, when we deal with times when our bodies are sick, God is not punishing us for something.  Sickness is a part of our fallen world. 
All we can do is live the best we can to God's glory! 

So, how we think and what we believe can greatly affect how we view health.  
One other aspect of health is your mental state.  If you live a life filled with lots of stress and confusion, and you have let bitterness build up, you can get very sick physically.  Your body can't handle the burden you put on it.  By trusting God with everything in your life you can eliminate so much of the tension in your life, knowing that God can handle everything and He is in control.  Then, by living in peace and love you can forgive others and not hold things against them, refusing to let the wall of bitterness build up inside you. 

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

If you live like this, loving the Lord first and other's second, we would live life so differently!  If we Love the lord with all our hearts, our souls and minds, we will live to please Him in everything.  If we love Him, we will love our neighbor.  We will refuse to let anger come between us, knowing it is not loving God to be angry or annoyed with someone.  Besides, are we so good and wonderful that we have any right to judge someone else, or think ourselves better?  No.  We are sinful human beings and nothing separates us from the rest of this sinful world except for the merciful saving grace of our Lord.... and that changes EVERYTHING!  He has taken away our heart of stone and put a heart of flesh in it's place (A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26).  

  We should be in a state of complete and utter humility, knowing that we are absolutely nothing without Christ.  There is no room to boast, unless we are boasting in Him ("That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." 1 Cor. 1:31).

So, in conclusion, we should live our lives for the purpose of glorifying God ("Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31)
and have joy in all things, knowing that we are becoming the men and women that God has created us to be - perfect in Him, by His power.  Live each moment taking in all He has made,  giving thanks to Him in everything!  Each day is a step forward in our journey towards eternity with Christ!!! 

In Christ Alone,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Soon! :)

Well, life is certainly not slowing down in the least!  My high hopes of frequent blog posts just isn't an easy thing to accomplish.
I do have a lot to write about, and will try to put together a post in the next week.

God has been gracious, as always, and is constantly molding me to be the woman He created me to be.  I'm so thankful for all He does for me!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Who Is Your God?

Who is your God? 

 I could also ask, "What is your god?", but that has an entirely different meaning. I'm asking, WHO is your God. Is He someone you pray to before most meals, think about at church on Sunday and cry to in times of trouble? Or is he the all-powerful, awesome God that surpasses everything in this world? One who's name sends a shiver of excitement through you, and nothing can contain the awe you have when you speak of Him?

 This is not a little question. The God I know is not to be compared with anything, or anyone. It makes me almost sick when I realize how we completely act like God is just another "interest" on Facebook and His name one we put a heart around and wear on a t-shirt. Do you really love Him, and are you truly living for the sole purpose of glorifying Him?

 His majesty is so far above us, and what our simple minds could ever comprehend. We try to understand Him and His ways, but continue to fail. We should be striving daily to seek His face and desire nothing but His will for our lives, knowing it is best. Worry should not be a part of our life. Ever. Instead, we should have faith and trust in place of worry and fright, bringing peace and rest to our lives, as we bask in His light and revel in His eternal glory. He has given us a hope; one that cannot be broken.

We read A passage in Ezekiel 36 today in church, and it is absolutely incredible what the Lord has done!  Here is a portion that portrays the power of God,  "For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.  Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.  A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.  And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.  And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God." Ezekiel 36:24-28

 Do you see a theme there? Did you notice that "I will" or a form of it was used ten times?! This is only a section of the chapter! He continues to say what He will do. Do you see the power that is shown? Or do you fail to see? Not only has he made e entire universe, and is the center of all life, but He given us "a heart to know, (Jeremiah. 24:7 "And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.") and a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19 "And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh:").

He also promises in Psalm 37:4 that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart.  Something that I've found is when I seek Him more, I desire Him more.  I also receive peace and joy when I am living for Him and stop longing for what this earth offers.

Just some things I've been thinking on. :)

I praise my God Almighty, for He is greater than anything!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Family Relationships and Love Languages

Last night I was talking to a friend and it got me thinking over the past few years, and all my relationships in my family. I have four brothers and two sisters. Sadly, I was not the most wonderful older sister, especially to one of my brothers. It caused so much hurt and resentment in our lives because of it. I wasn't careful about how I spoke to others, or how they felt when I said things. I've always loved to tease people, but it wasn't always a good thing. I didn't know when not to, and in what ways could cause hurt feelings.  Sometimes I didn't care if it did, and that was where my problem really was.

Several years ago I realized how much pain I had caused my brother, and all those around me. It was very hard for me to admit that I had been wrong all those years, and not been thoughtful in any way. My pride wanted to just say that it was my brother's fault, and he had taken my teasing the wrong way. So, I started really working on repairing the damage I had done to our friendship and gaining his trust. I also had to keep myself from ever falling back into the way I had previously acted toward him.

During the time of healing I read a book called "The Five Love Languages". As I studied my family and what their love languages were I found that my brother's love language was words of affirmation. It all made sense then. By teasing him I had been tearing him down with the words I spoke. Even by calling him my little brother, or immature, crushed him. It helped me to also know how to best build him up. Giving him a hug, while still nice, wasn't the same as telling him how much I loved him, praising him, and how I respected him. I started working on sharing things with him and saying how I knew I could trust him. As time went on I started gaining his trust. Of course I had to really try to seek God also, needing His strength to fight against my bad habits.

There were things about the book I didn't agree with, but I found it to be very helpful to just know the five love languages and look for how I could best serve my family, and bless them. It is not enough to speak your love language or the one that comes easiest. I needed to study each person in my family and find out what makes them feel loved individually.

I am so thankful for each of my siblings, and feel that I have wonderful friendships with each of them!  God has really worked on me and shown me many areas that needed to be worked on...and some that still need a lot of work!  But I am so glad that my family relationships have been repaired, and we all just have so much fun! :)  Forgiveness is such an amazing gift.  Christ has set the example of forgiveness for us.  We need to always set aside any quarrels and resentment we may have held for others and learn to forgive and begin again.  I pray that the Lord will continue to work in my life and make me the woman He has made me to be...using my weaknesses to produce a stronger character through it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Garden 2012

Yesterday I marveled at God's beautiful creation as my feet sank into the soft soil, mud, cool from the afternoon shade, making it's way between my toes, the earth damp from a recent Spring rain and a breeze blowing wisps of hair around my face. There were clouds that helped protect me from the sun's hot rays. Such a beautiful day to be working with living plants - some to be saved, others removed.

My plants are all either growing very well, or ending their season. My lettuce and spinach are going to seed from my Spring planting, the Swiss Chard is growing beautifully, so is the kale, and I picked the first of my peas two days ago! :)oh, I love their fresh, crisp texture and mildly sweet flavor!

I have other things growing in my summer garden now. I have planted four types of winter squash (delicatata, butternut, buttercup and spaghetti), zucchini, yellow squash, green beans (a pole variety), cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkins, okra, peppers and tomatoes, along with a variety of herbs.
I am just getting so excited for all the wonderful garden produce!

Daddy's picking up some straw for me to lay down between rows today. It should help with weed control, insulation and runoff since my garden is on a slight incline.

I am trellising my cucumbers for the first time this year, in hopes of less insect problems and easier harvesting. I've wanted to do it in past years, but hadn't gotten around to actually doing it. I will be posting pictures as my garden grows. Right now there isn't much to look at besides the peas.

Well, there's my first 2012 summer garden update! :)
I'm going to go enjoy this lovely day!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Purpose

What is the purpose of living?
Well, if you're a Christian the obvious response would probably be something like, "For God", or "To live to glorify God".  Well, okay.  If that's the reason, why aren't you really living to glorify Him?  Why are you "too busy" to spend time in His word but get on Facebook, email, or any other pleasurable activity.  How can there be so much emptiness in life if you have Christ to fill it?
There is so much missing to the "normal" Christian.  What is it?
Well, why are there so many conversations concerning other people, your most recent "crush", food, weight loss, what other people (and you) look like, movies, sports and anything *besides* the Lord.  I'm not saying all of that is bad (though some of it is not edifying to God), but that we don't have a healthy balance.  Who do you know that just radiates with Christ?  Someone who talks about their faith openly and passionately.  Hardly anyone.  Personally, I would want to be with a person like that *all* the time!  Someone who has a joyful perspective on life.  I fall short in this area all the time.  If you're thinking "Well, I don't have that much to talk about besides those things", then find more! Sink deep into the heart of God and you won't ever run out of things to talk about!  There's so much to learn and study.  Why are we so hesitant to talk about it, and even read the Bible?  I just find it so sad!  Why are we so caught up in the things of this world?  What does it matter if one person is more attractive or athletic than another?  What is attractive anyway?  There's so much more to beauty or being handsome!!!  Sometimes I just get so fed up with all the things people do to try to "improve" themselves to impress others.  They're way more focused on what they (and their friends) look like on the outside, than what is on the inside. 

 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, " Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
That doesn't mean that we have to dress dumpy or not cute.  We just need to not be focused on the outward person.  I find that the beauty that a person has within is so powerful that you can't hide it by a less-attractive outside.  That inner person radiates out with the joy of the Lord.  Who wouldn't want to be around a person like that?  So full of the Lord that they can't hide it!  That's what I want to grow to be like.  I have a few friends who have an inner beauty that cannot be compared to any outward beauty!  They are precious jewels, and I am so thankful to have them!!! :)  
 How can we show Christ to others?  There are ways, even if we don't say it in plain words.  I think that we can start by loving one another.  In John 13:35 it says, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."  
Love.  Are you showing love to those around you?  I encourage you not to ever speak in an unkind way about anyone.  Be considerate.  If you wouldn't say something to someone to their face, how about you not say it at all.  Don't say something that you wouldn't want said about you.
Here's one of my favorite verses.

1 Cor. 10:31 " Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
 Wow.  Everything.  Pretty powerful isn't it?  
This should be our life goal.  There aren't any exceptions.  It's pretty black and white.
Lets try to be that hidden person of the heart, that is *not* corruptible.  We should strive to please God.  He made us, and chose to be His people.  Let's start trying to live in a way pleasing to the Lord!  Let's show the world what that inner person looks like!  Let's start acting like the children of the Most High!  We are brothers and sisters, striving to live a life that is pleasing to our Maker.

Love in Christ,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart" Psalm 37:4

The year of 2011 has been the year of the most spiritual growth for me in my entire life, and the month of December has been the best month I've ever known.  What is the reason you ask?  There's a simple reason.  I spent the most time with the Lord during the month of December than I ever have before.  I didn't really have any interest in spending time in God's word when I was younger.  I was more interested in other things.  God has really been pulling me closer to Him in this past year.  I decided to set a challenge for myself in December.  I truly wanted to grow to be more godly, and to know my Savior better, and like a friend, the best way is to spend more time with Him.  So, my goal was to read the Bible twice a day (morning and evening) for the whole month.  I also knew that it is probably the busiest month of my year.  I thought that the challenge would be good for me.  During the Christmas season I wouldn't get caught up in all the activity, it would help me stay focused on Christ.  I will say that I missed two evenings in the middle of the month.  I forgot.  No, I can't say I went a whole month reading the Bible twice a day, but I think it's good, as I hope you read this knowing that I don't write it in pride and I'm  not here to brag, but to share how much I grew in this past month, and to encourage others to seek God more, and to reap the blessings that come when you do.  I'm so far from where I want to be, being the sinner I am,  but that's all the more reason to seek God.  I'm so thankful for wonderful people in my life who have encouraged to seek God more.  They may not have even known it.  God uses all different people in many ways.  He definitely has a plan for each life, created for a purpose.  I've never felt closer to God.  I feel a sense of joy, peace and contentment that I haven't really felt before.  I didn't know what it was like until now.  I realized that this is kind of what everyone wants, but they don't go about trying to get it the right way.  They seek happiness from relationships, friendships, food, alcolhol, drugs, money, stuff, etc.... There are so many distractions in this world, all holding empty promises.  We try something thinking, "maybe this will make me happier!", or, "now I'll be happy!"  but we soon feel the loss of something great. Matt 7:7-8 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."If we seek empty promises, we get emptiness, if we seek the will of God and His holiness, we will gain the blessings from God.  I just had no idea how much change could happen in myself in a short month.  All I can say is it wasn't me.  I just started seeking to know Him more, and delighting myself in Him, and he is bringing me blessings and joy.  Of course life is tough sometimes, but I've found that I have more strength to get through those moments, or days.  The thing that I've found to be the most uplifting and unburdensome thing to do is just sing praises to God, whether it's in my heart, or out loud.  I LOVE reading (or singing) psalms!  They make my heart soar in thankfulness.  I did the challenge for a month, to see what it'd be like.  I'm now starting on my second month, ready to keep up the challenge.  I find myself going through the day, looking forward to the next time I'll spend time with God.  I don't set a time limit on myself, I just do what I can.  I soak in the Word, and spend time in prayer.  Nothing has been so peaceful or brought such contentment.  I look forward to seeing what the next year brings.  I praise the Lord for his undying grace and mercy towards me!
"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." John 15:16I pray that He draws each one of you closer to Him with each passing day, drawing you into the center of His will.  May you be filled to overflowing with His love, sharing it with everyone you are around.

"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will know God because they know you."
- Unknown

I hope you all have a blessed year in 2012!!!
Love to you all in Christ,