Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Garden 2012

Yesterday I marveled at God's beautiful creation as my feet sank into the soft soil, mud, cool from the afternoon shade, making it's way between my toes, the earth damp from a recent Spring rain and a breeze blowing wisps of hair around my face. There were clouds that helped protect me from the sun's hot rays. Such a beautiful day to be working with living plants - some to be saved, others removed.

My plants are all either growing very well, or ending their season. My lettuce and spinach are going to seed from my Spring planting, the Swiss Chard is growing beautifully, so is the kale, and I picked the first of my peas two days ago! :)oh, I love their fresh, crisp texture and mildly sweet flavor!

I have other things growing in my summer garden now. I have planted four types of winter squash (delicatata, butternut, buttercup and spaghetti), zucchini, yellow squash, green beans (a pole variety), cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkins, okra, peppers and tomatoes, along with a variety of herbs.
I am just getting so excited for all the wonderful garden produce!

Daddy's picking up some straw for me to lay down between rows today. It should help with weed control, insulation and runoff since my garden is on a slight incline.

I am trellising my cucumbers for the first time this year, in hopes of less insect problems and easier harvesting. I've wanted to do it in past years, but hadn't gotten around to actually doing it. I will be posting pictures as my garden grows. Right now there isn't much to look at besides the peas.

Well, there's my first 2012 summer garden update! :)
I'm going to go enjoy this lovely day!!

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