Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Purpose

What is the purpose of living?
Well, if you're a Christian the obvious response would probably be something like, "For God", or "To live to glorify God".  Well, okay.  If that's the reason, why aren't you really living to glorify Him?  Why are you "too busy" to spend time in His word but get on Facebook, email, or any other pleasurable activity.  How can there be so much emptiness in life if you have Christ to fill it?
There is so much missing to the "normal" Christian.  What is it?
Well, why are there so many conversations concerning other people, your most recent "crush", food, weight loss, what other people (and you) look like, movies, sports and anything *besides* the Lord.  I'm not saying all of that is bad (though some of it is not edifying to God), but that we don't have a healthy balance.  Who do you know that just radiates with Christ?  Someone who talks about their faith openly and passionately.  Hardly anyone.  Personally, I would want to be with a person like that *all* the time!  Someone who has a joyful perspective on life.  I fall short in this area all the time.  If you're thinking "Well, I don't have that much to talk about besides those things", then find more! Sink deep into the heart of God and you won't ever run out of things to talk about!  There's so much to learn and study.  Why are we so hesitant to talk about it, and even read the Bible?  I just find it so sad!  Why are we so caught up in the things of this world?  What does it matter if one person is more attractive or athletic than another?  What is attractive anyway?  There's so much more to beauty or being handsome!!!  Sometimes I just get so fed up with all the things people do to try to "improve" themselves to impress others.  They're way more focused on what they (and their friends) look like on the outside, than what is on the inside. 

 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, " Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
That doesn't mean that we have to dress dumpy or not cute.  We just need to not be focused on the outward person.  I find that the beauty that a person has within is so powerful that you can't hide it by a less-attractive outside.  That inner person radiates out with the joy of the Lord.  Who wouldn't want to be around a person like that?  So full of the Lord that they can't hide it!  That's what I want to grow to be like.  I have a few friends who have an inner beauty that cannot be compared to any outward beauty!  They are precious jewels, and I am so thankful to have them!!! :)  
 How can we show Christ to others?  There are ways, even if we don't say it in plain words.  I think that we can start by loving one another.  In John 13:35 it says, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."  
Love.  Are you showing love to those around you?  I encourage you not to ever speak in an unkind way about anyone.  Be considerate.  If you wouldn't say something to someone to their face, how about you not say it at all.  Don't say something that you wouldn't want said about you.
Here's one of my favorite verses.

1 Cor. 10:31 " Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
 Wow.  Everything.  Pretty powerful isn't it?  
This should be our life goal.  There aren't any exceptions.  It's pretty black and white.
Lets try to be that hidden person of the heart, that is *not* corruptible.  We should strive to please God.  He made us, and chose to be His people.  Let's start trying to live in a way pleasing to the Lord!  Let's show the world what that inner person looks like!  Let's start acting like the children of the Most High!  We are brothers and sisters, striving to live a life that is pleasing to our Maker.

Love in Christ,

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