Friday, July 1, 2011

An interesting thought

You know, if you feed a baby healthy food it will grow stronger.... and it won't take very long for it to become bigger.  They grow very fast!  They still can get sick, but they will be better prepared.  But, if you feed a baby insufficiently, whether it's not enough milk or nutrients it will become weaker.  It can get sick easier and that can cause many problems in the future for it.
Christians are like that, too.  If we are fed from God's word, getting fellowship with other believers, praying, and just seeking the Lord with all our hearts, we will grow in godliness.  If we say we are Christians but we don't do anything to strengthen ourselves in Christ, what ground do we have to stand on?  Not much, if anything.  We will be weak spiritually.  It could cause us to fall into sins of the world easier than someone who has prepared for temptation, and is ready to stand up against it.  I want to be strong in the faith, never losing sight of the goal....the goal of becoming closer to my Lord!
This song, "To Know You" by Casting Crowns.  So powerful.... and perfect for what I'm trying to say.
I thought of it after I had written this post.  Amazing song!!!!

Well, that has just been on my mind recently and I wanted to share it. :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so important what you said about keeping your eyes on God and desire to grow in Him daily. I was not a devout Christian when I married and was not prepared for the things in life. In 1985 the doctors gave me 6 months to live and it was the first time I begin to look at faith, God, the Bible, etc seriously. God has taken me on a wonderful adventure and many trials. However, to this day, it is the daily feeding on His Word; the dieing to self and seeking Christ that is the keeping power. The Bible tells us that His Word is life to our mortal flesh. It is true because the doctors still cannot say what keeps me alive; it is God and His Word, all the praise to Him. It is so important to find a partner in life that believes this as well. As the Apostle Paul stated it is better to be single than to be married in discourse. Dichotomy in believes causes years of trials if one partner is not willing to seek God in all things and at all times. It affects the children in ways you cannot imagine. However, no matter what happens in life if we keep our focus on pleasing God as the Apostle Paul stated we can life with the peace in our soul with a clear conscience. May that be yours until He comes.
    Mrs. J.
