Monday, April 11, 2011

What is modesty for? Who are we as women of God?

This is such an important subject!  You should listen/watch this!!!!!!  Want the truth?  Here it is from a guy sharing his own struggles.  It's all true.  Don't use the excuse of you don't have time.  It's not very long, but it could change who you are.  Please, all of you girls out there, listen to what he has to say, and start putting it into action.
  I want everyone to know that I am a Christian and love the Lord, through dressing, and even acting modestly, we can show the world what women are supposed to be like.  We're not competing with the men, trying to be one of them.  We were created special and for a different purpose.  I find that men act differently around me when I dress modestly, wear a skirt/dress, etc...  I've even had at least one man thank me for wearing a skirt.  He said that you don't see it very often, and it's true.  It feels so good to be feminine.  I just LOVE being a girl!  I can still have fun, not be legalistic, and be modest all at once.  Yes I wear jeans and shorts, but I choose them thinking about other people.  Dressing immodestly is selfish.  It's true.  That's all it is.  If you dress immodestly, you're proving that you don't care about your brothers in Christ.  You want to draw attention to yourself, and don't care if people struggle.  You don't think about it that way, but that's what it is.
I'm just trying to encourage you young women (or older, both young, and older men struggle, so both young and older women should dress modestly.  Don't make other men, married or not, struggle with lust because of you!) to stand up to a challenge.  It will change who you are.
To you girls who are trying to serve God in all ways, including modesty, good for you!!!  I'm proud of you!!!  You will reap the benefits in the end!!!....and I find that it comes before the end!!!! :)  You may feel self-conscious because you stand out, but you can get over it.  You will also be looked up to, and respected for your convictions.


  1. That is so true. And such a good reminder. It's so easy to forget when you are "out in the world" and constantly bombarded with immodesty... so, thanks for the reminder!

  2. Summer, Thank you, thank you!!!!!! This really made me think differently. I do NOT want to cause someone to stumble for the way I dress at all. As carrycorn said "this is such a good reminder" Thank you again!!! I love you so much!

  3. Aw, thanks girls! I'm glad it was an encouragement. You're both very welcome!
    Love you both! <3

  4. Thanks Summer! It was really cool, sometimes we're so caught up in what we're going through that we don't realize that others are also struggling, and the fact that we may be the ones causing that...its really a wake-up call!

  5. You're welcome, Abby! Yes. Our society is so corrupt. Even the "conservative Christians" are falling into this kind of trouble. It makes me so upset. They need to know what they're doing! What's really bad is when they know exactly what they're doing, and still doing it anyway. They want attention, so they're going to use the "weakness" (I say quote, because God made guys that way, so it's not exactly a weakness.... I don't know how to describe it. It's how they're made, and it can be a bad thing, but it can also be very good when used to the glory of God) of others to get what they want.
