Wednesday, March 30, 2011

God has blessed me with the BEST big brother!

I just wanted to share with you how God works miracles!!!!!......and he truly loves us so very much!
 Since I was very little I have always wanted a big brother; I knew that the only way I'd ever be able to have one was for us to adopt, so I started praying for a big brother. I kept praying through the years, as nothing happened. As the years went by I knew that there was a very little chance that we would adopt a young man.    I kept praying.
I was thirteen, adopting a guy older than me wasn't going to happen.
Still praying.
Then. There. Was. Rob. :)
 Rob went to the church we were attending at the time. We were moving, and announced in church that we would like help if anyone wanted to. Rob came with another man from church. We had previously seen him at church, but had never met him before. We met him, and learned that he worked with some guys doing computer work, etc..., Dad wanted Laura, Christian and me (mainly Laura) to learn Photoshop, so he asked Rob if he would come and teach us once a week, and have dinner. He started teaching us, and we immediately loved him!  He comes from another like-minded family, with eight children. Photoshop lessons didn't last very long. We ended up just spending time playing games, talking, and socializing.  He would also come down to Branson Landing on Saturdays and watch us play music..... we also met up at Silver Dollar City a couple times, and had a blast!!! :)
 We all looked forward to the night each week he would come. His passion for the Lord really stood out to me. He taught me many thing during that time....things that he didn't even know he taught me. Mom decided to "adopt" him. :) We started calling him our adopted big brother.....and eventually (not too long afterward) shortened to, big brother. No "adopted" in there. He really became like a big brother to us. I was always afraid that someday, when he moved he would just leave our lives and we would never see him again. Well, I was wrong.  A couple years ago he moved.  He kept coming, but the visits became farther apart....then his car broke. Riding a bicycle a distance that was normally 45 minutes in a car wasn't going to happen. I thought the end of our knowing him was coming. Then, he moved even farther away....still riding his bike. We saw him a few times, but it was hard to find the time to drive an hour, pick him up, then drop him off again after his visit. I was amazed that he kept staying in touch. I thanked God over and over. I didn't want my big brother to leave. Then he got a car. His visits weren't every week like they had started out as, but he kept coming when he had some time. Life just keeps getting busier, and there's always plenty of work. But, I'm just so thankful for Rob!!! He never forgot us!
 I enjoy the time we get with him SO much!!! He is one of the most influential people in my life. There couldn't be anyone more like a big brother than him!! He's seen me upset, ecstatic, sad and hurting, joyful and content. It's pretty amazing to see how God has worked. He brought Rob into our lives at just the right time. He answered my prayer, even though I'd been told it was impossible. NOTHING is impossible with GOD!!!!!!! I want my children someday to know Rob as their "Uncle Rob"!!!! =) That's what he is!!!!! Thank you, God, for sending Rob into our lives, and thank you Rob for being such a special part of our lives!!!!!!
We love you!!!! <3

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