Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Okay, I've been thinking a lot about contentment lately, and about what it really means to be content with in life.  Not just being content with the "big" things.  That's not everything.  Being content in EVERY area of my life, even the "little" things that don't really matter.  Sure, it's easy to say that I'm content.  I'm content with where I live, that I'm homeschooled, the family God put me in, etc...  Here are some examples of things that could be "little" things: "I wish my hair was curly/straight!", "I wish I was taller.", "why couldn't God have made me shorter?!", "It's not fair that he/she's more athletic than me!", "why wasn't I built stronger?", "My nose is too big." "I'm unattractive." "I don't like the way I'm built"..... Those are just some examples of what people say about how they LOOK!  What is that saying to God?  It's telling Him that you don't like how he made you.  You're complaining to Him, saying He didn't do a good enough job on you.  Hello!  He made you!!!!!!!!!  You can't even be content with how you look?  How will you ever learn to be content with the rest of your life if you can't get past your looks!  God has a reason for everything.  I've thought some of these things myself, that's why I'm convicted of this.  It's all about you!  You aren't content with who you are because you don't think you measure up to the world's standards.  Well, maybe you don't.  So what?  Who are you trying to please?  Man, or God?  It shouldn't matter what the world thinks of you.  If God didn't make you naturally athletic you can do a few things about it; try to become more athletic by practicing, find an activity that you can do, and enjoy doing, try your best when you're in a group of people who are doing an athletic activity (and don't get embarrassed, people who really matter aren't going to judge you for messing up when you're trying your best) forget athletic activities, or you can just pout and make excuses.  I'm not a naturally athletic person. I don't really care enough to put tons of time into it.  I would rather pursue other interests.  I am exercising though, because I want to be in shape.  Each morning I ride a stationary bike for 30-45 minutes.  Riding a stationary bike can get quite uninteresting.  Even after about five minutes I start getting bored.  That's NOT good if you wan't to keep exercising.  You can quit, find another activity you enjoy more, find someone to exercise with so you can talk, or what I did was I bought an ipod.  So now I can listen to my favorite music while I ride.  It helps SO much!  Listening to energizing music is really good, too.  I love to listen to Josh Groban and Classical music, but not while I'm exercising.  That kind of music I save for when I want to relax, or just hanging out.
Back to contentment..... sorry.  I can tend to get sidetracked.  My point is that we should really examine ourselves.  Our hearts.  What's really deep inside.  Do we say things before we think about what we're saying?  I know that I do.  Discontentment is no fun!  It makes me feel terrible inside!
One thing I have a hard time being content about is my situation as far as animals/living on a farm go.  I LOVE having animals.  I had them for years as a girl, but then when we moved, I didn't realize the importance of them to me.  Since we moved six years ago I haven't been able to have any animals besides pets (dogs, cats and bunnies).  Some of you may not understand how I can love animals so much.  But, I do.  It's who I am.  Being around a farm and animals gives me a feeling like no other!!!!  I'm serious!  I feel at home on a horses back, and around a farm and farm animals.  It becomes a source of discontentment, and can steal my joy if I let it.  I just need to put my perspective right and know that God is in control, and He has a plan for my life, and my desires.  I'm SO thankful that I get to start having good gardens this year!  That definitely helps, even though it doesn't stop my dreaming.  I also have friends who own horses and are more than happy for me to ride with them if I get the time, so that's a definite blessing!!!!  I LOVE to ride!!!  Maybe someday I'll be able to get a horse.  Just now, I need to "bloom where I'm planted". =)