Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quotes!!! :)

I am just having fun!  I decided to look up quotes today, and saw so many that I liked that I decided to post a bunch of  quotes. =D
There are a lot of laughing quotes....that's because I just love to laugh!!! :)  The people who know me, know this to be true!

“We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing” - Michael Pritchard

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pure, Raw Honey...Or Not.....?

People talk about honey as so healthy.  "Use it instead of jelly on sandwiches, mix it with other ingredients to add to their health benefits (i.e. cinnamon, or Apple Cider Vinegar)," they tell you.  Well, that is true...to an extent.  Depending on the honey you buy, it can be good, or it can be bad for you.  The honey you buy at your grocery store is NOT good!!!  Here is an example of the process honey usually goes through.  A friend of mine has studied bees/honey, and sent me some information.
"First, What do honey producers feed their bees to make them produce honey faster? They feed them sugar syrup. The other thing they use is a feed supplement which they pour into a box that sit on top of the hive. What is wrong with sugar syrup? Well a honey bee will always go collect its supplies for making honey in the closest, most abundant place. In this case it would be the sugar syrup or the feed supplement that is on top of the hive. So when the a bee makes the honey in the comb it is using sugar syrup as its main supply. This makes the honey in the hive mostly sugar. Yet the honey in the hive does have enzyems in it that are good for you, but wait they still need to process it :) The processing of honey has a step that invloves heating the honey to 130+ degrees F. Heating honey to that temperature keeps it from crystalizing (which is supposedly why they heat it). Alright, so they keep it from crystalizing, what is wrong with that? The other thing that heating honey (to 130+ degrees F) does is that it kills all the enzymes that are good for you (the ones I mentioned before). So what you end up with is plain sugar water. Is “Raw Honey” truly raw? Well since honey producers have no laws governing what the honey should or should not have to be able to be labeled ”raw”. Honey producers can label their honey raw even if it is not raw. So the chances are the honey is not “raw”. Now I am talking about the major honey producers, not the little honeybee farms. To know if they (little honeybee farms) do it or not you would have to talk to them about their processes."
Isn't that sad?  I find it very frustrating.  They also price honey at such high prices...and for what?  Some sugary syrup???  What is even worse, is I have heard - now I don't know for sure - that some honey producers actually add corn syrup/glucose/sugar to the honey.
I find that I can taste a difference in the honey from the grocery store, from the REAL, pure, raw honey.  I know that depending on what the bee eats the honey tastes different, but I think that it has a different taste.
One thing I love is crystallized honey! :)  I don't eat bread because of some wheat problems I've had, but when I did I loved to put butter and/or crystallized honey on my toast!!!  It is so good! :)  If you have never had honey crystallized, you should try it!!!!  The texture is really unique! :)

One other thing is that it is best to buy local honey as it has been produced by bees who have taken the substances they use to make their honey from your area, which contain immune-stimulating properties needed for your body to adapt to it's environment.

Well, I hope at least some of that was helpful.  I really need to study it even more, but it is hard to find the time....and you wouldn't end up reading this post if it was too long!!!  =D

Have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Bible time this morning

While I was having my Bible time this morning, this verse really stuck out to me.  I have read it before I know, and I liked it, (because I had underlined it), but it just really spoke to me today.  I guess in a different way than before.

I will write it out, then explain why it stood out.

"Your adornment must not be merely external - braiding the hair, and waring jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in the sight of God."

I know that when you read a verse one time, it can speak to you in a totally different way than ever before.  This happened to me today.
Today I really caught that it said "merely."  It doesn't say that you shouldn't braid your hair, wear jewelry, or put on dresses, it say, it must not *merely* be external.  You should have a beauty deeper then what is external.  "Let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit.  I really want to work on having a gentle and quiet spirit.  I want people to see Christ in me when they look at me, not my outward appearance.  I think that's what it means here.  You don't have to look plain in how you dress, fix your hair, etc..., but it is about who you are on the inside, not out.  I find, taking the verse parts at a time help me understand them better.  I read verses over and over just to get the whole effect sometimes.  I actually did it today with Colossians 2:7.   
"Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." Colossians 2:7
I knew that it was a wonderful verse, but I had to read it over and over again so that I could understand the full meaning of it, and just let it sink in.  Sometimes I find it so hard to read much of the Bible at a time, just because by going slowly I can gain so much more!!!  It is so deep and sometimes hard to understand, and I don't just want to skim over it.  I want to know what God is telling me by writing it.

Well, I just got so much out of those two verses today!  I wonder what verses God will show me tomorrow.... :)

Thank you God, for you Word.  Our sword of  Truth!!!