Monday, February 4, 2013

We, the Body of Christ!

Recently I've been just feeling so blessed, thinking of my family and friends.  I couldn't ask for a better circle of people to help me grow and develop into a woman of God.  My cousin sent me a verse and his comment on it yesterday, and it really got me thinking.
  "Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." This is godly friendship. As each person increases in faith in God, they sharpen up the other.  Whenever the iron meets together, they sharpen each other.  So as we, in our friendships, meet together, we will strengthen each other.  However, God must be at the center of each relationship for this to work.  we are only iron so long as our foundation and first love is God.  Thus if friends meet and find that rather than encouraging and pressing each other on, they hinder one another, the foundation is probably offset."

  God makes it clear that it's very important to have a circle of strong believers in which you spend time with. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and should be working hard to keep the focus of life on our Lord.  Keeping one another accountable to acting in a Christ-like way, and encouraging and uplifting each other is so important!!!!  Let us grow together, helping and encouraging one another to grow. We are the body, the Church!

Being the children of Christ, shouldn't we act in a way that is kind and thoughtful?  We should try to make an effort to bless those around us, and not only those who are believers.  Blessing others should be part of our mission in life.  Simple things, such as a smile or a kind word, can make someone's day.  We are to spread the Light!!!  How selfish of us to live our own lives without reaching out to those around us!!! ( I'm as guilty as any in this area.  I don't make enough of an effort to reach to the unbelievers.  It's something I need to continue working on in my life).  We need to set a good example of what Christians are to be.  There are some who give us a bad name, and are very accusing, self-righteous and arrogant.  That is certainly not a Christ-like way to act.  Why would anyone want to become a Christian when they've seen bad examples of who we are?  We should be radiating the joy of the Lord...He has made a way for us to be saved!!!!!  We should leave no room to be negative or complain.  Not only does it steal our joy, but others' as well!!

May we radiate Him and shine His light!!!!
