Monday, December 3, 2012

Having Standards That Glorify God

Recently I have been thinking about how to live my life to glorify God the most.  Something that has stuck out to me as a weakness in many Christians is standards.  We have standards about main things, such as murder, lying and sexual immorality... but what about the "little" things that really are a big deal?  Do we set standards for what we do, what music we listen to, books we read and movies we watch?  Our culture has a very low standard for media, and are we just going to go along with it?  Do you listen to songs with lyrics that you wouldn't actually talk about because it'd be inappropriate?  Are the books you read building your relationship with Christ, and completely glorifying Him?  And, are the movies you watch clean and pure?  Do they distract your gaze from the Lord, or are they honoring to Him?  Are you watching things you would be ashamed to see in real life?  If so, it is most likely not at all a godly choice.

Do you have a standard set for yourself and what you allow yourself to participate in?  Listening, reading and what you view is all actions.  You have a choice, no one is making you.

Everything we do affects us.  Music can be so fun, uplifting and glorifying to God... but, it can also be horrific, or just stupid and has no point.  Most modern music is not edifying at all, and by listening to it we are causing our gaze to be distracted.  I love all different types of music, not only Christian, but I always try to analyze myself and see how I'm being affected.  I have found that if I constantly listen to love songs, for example, I start noticing myself becoming discontent and my joy starts to fade.  My human flesh wants that "love" that I hear about in the songs and it breeds a discontentment in my heart.  I feel empty and unfulfilled, though that "love" can never fulfill me... only God can fill that place.  If I search to be fulfilled from other sources, I will never find it, and can never have complete joy.  When I listen to songs of praise to the Lord, my heart is filled!!  I feel overwhelmed by Christ's love, and my love for Him!  I feel like everything inside me is bubbling up and will overflow!  It is an incredible feeling.
But, I am not saying love songs are bad!  I just know that if they are constantly being played (therefore in my thoughts more), it can be a stumbling block for me if I let my mind wander.

A standard is a mindset.  We choose where we want our standard to be.  Where are we going to draw the line?  I just encourage you to think through EVERYTHING and always be asking yourself, "Is this glorifying to God?"  If you even question it, it probably isn't.

May the Lord draw you near to Him and help you to grow in your faith with each passing day!